Beyond the Blue
Written and Directed by: Elena Sala
Produced by: Syed Ayub and Laura Torenbeek
Beyond the Blue is a short film that I co-produced with Syed Ayub. The film is written and directed by Elena Sala and is a graduation film from the Northern Film School.
Henry gets lost in a crowded fair. Unaware of the potential danger of his situation, Henry stares amazed at everything around him, but one element gets his full attention: the big carousel. As he is absorbed by this image, someone runs towards him: Ann, a woman that takes Henry home where she looks after his well-being. Beyond the Blue reflects on the importance of childhood and the problem that these characters encounter in their lives: the absence of the father.
2015 LA Femme International Film Festival. US.
2016 II Diseases International Short Film & Art Festival (2FICAE). Spain.
2016 Watersprite International Student Film Festival. UK. - Nominated for best Production Design by Neith Sentis
2016 Omaha Film Festival. US. - Official Selection.
2016 Premi Sole Tura. Spain.
2016 Directed by Women. Spain.
2016 FICSAM. Portugal.
2016 Aesthetica Short Film Festival - Northern Film School Showcase
2016 El Ojo Cojo Film Festival Spain