Leaves in Fall

Written and Directed by: Laura Torenbeek

Produced by: Syed Ayub

Leaves in Fall is a short film that I wrote and directed for my graduation from the Northern Film School. The film was shot on location in Snowdonia, Wales in 2014 and we finished post-production in 2015. The film has done the festival circuit and is now free to watch online. Please scroll down and click the vimeo link.

Leaves in Fall tells the story of Hannah; a 9-year-old girl from a broken middle-class family, who goes on holiday for the first time with her father, Dan, and new Dutch stepmother, Christina. Whilst Hannah has a good relationship with her dad, she isn’t planning on accepting her stepmother anytime soon. However, Christina and Dan start to have discussions and Dan seems more distant towards Hannah than ever. This makes Hannah feel lonely and she has no other choice than spending time with the woman she blames for all the changes within her family. When she finally decides to accept the new family situation, new changes arise and she has to adapt to a whole new family situation again.

Leaves in Fall Still 12.jpg

2015 LA Femme International Film Festival. USA: Winner Best Student Short
2015 Euroshorts. Poland: Nomination
2016 North Wales International Film Festival. UK. Winner Best Soundtrack
2016 Roma Cinemadoc. Italy.
2016 Northern Film School Showcase Screening at Aesthetica Film Festival. UK.

Film Stills
